Benefits of using #hashtag in your Facebook status updates
Benefits of using #hashtag in your Facebook status updates
With the objective of taking conversations about events, topics and people at the forefront, Facebook introduced the # symbol, called hashtag, to mark keywords. Searches now displays results based on those keywords and locate conversations about them.
Let take for example the keyword ipad. Typing that keyword preceded by the hashtag into the search bar, as shown in graphic below, returns status updates that are talking about the ipad:
You could also search by typing the following url: into your browser (replace the x’s with the tag you want to look up).
They help people participate in public conversations they are interested in. They will work on personal profile posts, fan page posts, group posts, event posts, and all comments.
– It gives you the opportunity to create more engagement with the people that follows your brands/products/services by you participating in real time conversations, therefore expanding your audience reach.
– Use the same as the one you decided to include in your overall social media strategy on other platforms like Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest in order to have consistency within the same campaign. This will keep a same “feel” for it and easier to recognize by your audience.
– Be moderate! Quality here is better than quantity. The more they are targeted, the more effectively it will reach your audience.
One of the best things you can do as your social media following gains traction is to create one for your brand. (#janicedugas | #majalis )
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Until next, take care and all the very best!
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