Are you an Entrepreneur Struggling with the Fear of Selling?
Often while networking with fellow entrepreneurs, I hear people saying that the idea of selling their products /services is such a big struggle, and for some of them, it’s so painful they’ll put themselves off the market.
Yet they imagined it, created it, poured all their energy and passion into it !
Why be afraid to sell it?
But I’m not a salesman!
I can relate because I’ve been there too and sometimes revisit the feeling….
That is why I want to share with you this excellent article written by Connie Ragen Green on the topic of Entrepreneurs’ fear of selling.
I’m convinced it will serve many of us and help move past the fear of selling in order to help those in need of our products and services. 🙂
Think of selling as the way in which you can help others with your areas of knowledge, experience, and expertise.
And when you feel the fear of not wanting to sell to someone, try to imagine what could happen if they do not make a purchase from you or from anyone else.
How would their life be enriched by buying what you have for sale? How would their life be diminished if they did not buy?
The fear of selling is worth moving past so that you may better serve the people you come in contact with on a regular basis in your business.
If you feel like so, share your thoughts in the comments section below 🙂 I’d love to hear you!
Until next, take care and all the very best,
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