Your Private Coaching Planner
Private Coaching Planner
All your dreams and desires are available for you if you step up to receive them by being your unique self and share your gifts, skills and wisdom with the world.They are waiting…are you ready?
If so, I’m happy to introduce you to the great private coaching planner, either for upgrading the one you already have or start you up from scratch to create a brand new one.
Even if you don’t yet offer any coaching, your own business and life experiences make you the perfect person to work with other on a one-on-one basis.
Just consider how much time you currently spend advising people (probably for free) via email and social media and phone calls and texts.
Your coaching is an invaluable resource. And for those in need to hear what you have to say and teach, you are that coach.
And the good news is…it doesn’t have to be difficult!
Your next logical step is to claim your copy of the Private Coaching Planner down below and start rewarding relationships not only for your clients, but for you as well.
You’ll LOVE having this planner that you can download or print off. 🙂
Here is What You Get inside the “Private Coaching Planner”:
All the hard work is done, it’s super affordable so it’s easy on the wallet. Now all you have to do is use it and make it happen!
The Step-by-Step Planner Covers (19 PAGES):
- Step 1: Get Clear on the Problem You Solve
- Exercise: Describe Your Ideal Client
- Exercise: State Her Biggest Problem
- Step 2: Establish Your Desired Outcome
- Exercise: State the Outcome Your Clients Will Achieve
- Step 3: Plan Your Platform
- Exercise: Brainstorm Your Coaching Steps
- Exercise: Plan Your Program Duration
- Step 4: Design Your Coaching Tools
- Exercise: Plan Your Tools
- Step 5: Design Your 1:1 Coaching Package
- Exercise: Decide Your Access & Availability
- Exercise: Create Your Private Phone Number & Email Address
- Step 6: Determine Your Price
- Exercise: Determine Your Program Length and Cost
- Step 7: Setting Boundaries
- Exercise: Map Your Work Hours
- Exercise: Craft Your Boundary Responses
Get this Package and Download it Today for
Only $47 17$!
You are smarter than you know and you can help people by being their coach.
This will help you design your high-end private coaching program.
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