social media done for you  Does This Sound Familiar?

You Work Hard All Day Long, Have No Time Left To Build Relationships, Increase Your Online Visibility, Generate Traffic & Grow Your Customer Base...

 It's time to pause and look into it closely!

Business Woman
You are doing the best you can, but would appreciate some help.

 Business Woman

You have a website and social networks but nobody finds you?

Here's the main reason:  a lack of consistency in presence on your social networks.

You want to publish great quality content on a regular basis and engage with your audience hanging out on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest and YouTube. Keep in mind search engines reward businesses that publish quality content on a consistent basis.

overwhelmed business womanOkay. Now you've done that. You publish on a consistent basis on your social media platforms and engage with your friends and fans, get more visitors back to your website, but not increasing your customer base?

You’re missing the second most important step that’s needed for you which is to extend your reach to more potential clients hanging out on these social networks: Facebook Ads campaigns.

They will get you in front of your targeted audience and generate more traffic to your website and to your landing pages without breaking the bank.

Per Facebook terms of service, organic reach to fans of a business page is only 3% and sometimes less. Geez, that ain't much!  It’s way too low to leverage your presence on the network. Facebook Ads campaigns drills deep down into the demographics of your ideal customer, thus allowing you to stand in front of the right crowd at a fraction of the cost of other popular advertising platforms.

We are here to help you do just that and get all the pieces of the puzzle fit in nicely. Results? You reap the benefit of improved visibility that have eluded you thus far, as well as:

  • Enhance your expert status
  • Build an engaged community
  • Stand out from the crowd
  • Increase your customer base

If you read so far, you might be thinking, 'Geez …that’s a lot of work. There’s just so much I can do and don’t have time to waste doing the wrong thing'

 If that’s how you're feeling, we have the SOLUTION for you!

woman entrepreneur asking for helpSOCIAL MEDIA ‘DONE FOR YOU’ VISIBILITY PROGRAM

Not having your business shining online is no longer an option, and to help you get started, or increase your actual reach, we offer a variety of services from Social Media DONE FOR YOU  to Group Training Workshops and Private One on One consultation that will catapult your presence online, thus gaining more visibility, credibility, traffic, and customers.


Monthly Social Media Management Packages

We created several packages for busy business owners who don’t have the time or resources to stay on top of their online presence and to build and grow an audience.

We will manage your presence online to reap the greatest benefit from your social media marketing; reaching engagement with your targeted audience and reinforcing connections as well as building a strong community through consistent online presence will increase your customer base, attract prospects and get referrals.

Start-Up Package 

  • Relevant unique content posted 3 times per week/ per 2 platforms of your choice
  • Reputation management
  • Facebook ad campaign management
  • Dedicated social media account manager for customer support.


janice-dugas-help-deskContact us for more information!