Ultimate Blog Challenge
Today is the start of a exciting adventure as I’ve joined Paul Taubman’s July Ultimate Blog Challenge
–>> It consists of writing 1 blog post a day for 31 days.<<–
Now, that’s definitely a challenge for me! And as you can see from some of the rules listed below, there is not much room for automation. Nevertheless, it is a great opportunity to share more content with my readers and also with all the participants meeting up inside the Challenge’s Facebook group. Our interactions will lead to more online visibility for everyone.
• Your posts are to be new, for the current day. Please do not post a URL from last week, last month, or last year.
• To have the best results please write a blog post each day of the month for a SINGLE website. Do not write alternating posts for 2 websites.
• This challenge is NOT for sponsored posts. If you are writing a post and getting ANY sort of compensation (free products, free hotel accommodations, free services, etc.) it will be deleted.
• A blog post doesn’t have to be long, or even always text! Think creatively on those days you just don’t feel like writing.
• After you post on your blog, tweet your own post and tag it with #blogboost so we can all find it, read it and retweet it!
• Share your post on the Facebook group set up just for Challenge participants
• Be sure to read and comment on your fellow participants’ blogs and get that cross traffic going.
• Do not automate your posting to the Facebook group – these are subject to removal and could result in you being removed from the group. This means if we see, “John Doe shared La Dee Dah’s photo” you may be removed.
An email is being sent out each day to all participants with an idea or a topic in case people fear not knowing what to write about each and every day.
I am delighted to be part of this challenge and share about topics close to my heart in areas such as online visibility, web marketing, entrepreneurship, product creation, automatic (passive) income, social media, mindset, self improvement and awareness, to name just a few. 🙂
Dear reader, you are invited to jump on the band wagon if this venture is something you want to experience. 🙂
Paul will give you even more good reason to join. Check out his short introduction video.
Be ready to reap the priceless benefits of blogging on a consistent basis:
• get more traffic to your website,
• increase engagement
• build new online relationships
• write more content for your website
• get live training
• do it all for free!
Ready to boost your blogging? Sign up for the challenge and let’s do it all together! 😉 As Yoda said: Do or do not.There is no try.
I hope I’ve inspired and motivated you to get started, continue, or get back to blogging for your business today.
Talk soon,
Janice Dugas | Your Online Visibility Trusted Advisor
PS: If you are looking for a course that will show you how to get started, build and grow an authority blog to earn your primary online income or to supplement your income as you build your business as an entrepreneur, take a look at Connie Ragen Green’s program REALLY SIMPLE AUTHORITY BLOGGING. Connie has been one of my favorite mentor for more than a decade and I highly recommend this program inside her ‘REALLY SIMPLE’ series.
Welcome to the Ultimate Blog Challenge, Janice! Here is a little bit of a historical fact: The Ultimate Blog Challenge was ORIGINALLY started by Connie Ragen Green years ago! Since then, there have been various folks that have taken the reins of the challenge. Currently, that is me!
Again, Thanks for participating!
Be Well.
Hi Paul! Thanks for briefing me on the origin of the Challenge. Happy to know Connie was the ‘instigator’. Many thanks for keeping it alive this quarter. I’ll be posting my Day 3 blog post before closing off for nighty night sleep to keep up with the challenge. Take Care! Janice