21 MAI 2019

Formation Facebook Verdun Janice Dugas Caroline bedard

15 MARS 2019

Facebook DO and DONT'S avec Janice Dugas et Caroline Bedard

Démystification des DO et des DON’T des Pages Affaires et des Profils Perso Facebook.

Places limitées. Réservez tôt pour ne pas être décus!


Les Bonnes Pratiques Facebook

avec Caroline Bédard de KB Communication et Janice Dugas de Janice Dugas Web Marketing


-Faire de la business sur un profil personnel ou une page professionnelle?

-Elements d'optimisation (SEO) à mettre en place pour améliorer le référencement de la Page sur les engins de recherche.

-Quand, comment et quoi publier sur les Pages pour augmenter l'engagement des Fans

-Utilisation de votre boîte de réception et beaucoup plus!


Date : Vendredi 15 mars 2019

Heure : 11h30 à 13h30

Endroit : Restaurant Chez Milot - 394, Grande-Côte, Boisbriand

- Membre - 25$ (inclus dîner, formation, taxes et pourboires) (Prix à la porte le jour de la formation:30$)
- Non membre - 45$ (inclus dîner, formation, taxes et pourboires) (Prix à la porte le jour de la formation:50$)

Venez rencontrer des entrepreneurs passionnés et passionnants qui ont, comme vous,  à coeur de faire grandir leur entreprise.

14-16 AVRIL 2018

Je suis ravie d'être conférencière et formatrice à l'événement de Connie Ragen Green à Los Angeles!


Si vous êtes dans la région, venez nous rejoindre. L'hôtel Ayres est à seulement 3 kilomètres de Manhattan Beach.

Pour en savoir plus -> sur l'événement !

Meet Your Event and Workshop Trainers

Donna Kozik – Communication and Public Speaking Trainer

I’ve known Donna Kozik since 2008 and have learned a tremendous amount about authorship, positioning yourself as an expert, and entrepreneurship in general from her. This will be her second time presenting at one of my live events. She is an award winning author and the creator of the “Write a Book in a Weekend” training. A former newspaper editor and senior communications specialist, Donna will work with our group all weekend to understand how and why a book makes all of the difference for an online entrepreneur.

Shawn Hansen is a self-made success story as an author, information product creator, publisher, and entrepreneur. She and I first met at Dennis Becker’s Earn 1K a Day Workshop in Las Vegas in 2012 and we have worked together on several projects since that time. Her presentation is titled “The 10K in 90 Days Blueprint” and is patterned after her own experiences during the past year. I’ve watched her amazing growth during this time, and you won’t want to miss this training she has prepared for you. And Shawn has her message coming through loud and clear to her prospects and clients in a way that will help you to shape your own business and entrepreneurial journey.

Janice Dugas

Janice Dugas is a social media marketing expert. I’ve know her for almost a decade and we have met in person at two live marketing events. Working primarily with small business owners throughout North America, Janice will share how we can use social media in a variety of ways to clarify our message so that it resonates with the prospects and clients we want to attract into our community, online and offline. Even if you have little experience with using social media as a marketing channel, you’ll be amazed at what you learn at this Workshop.

And me, Connie Ragen Green. I will teach and share the exact strategies and blueprints I use in my own business, as well as facilitating all of the activities and trainings you will be a part of during our three days together. We will work together and separately this weekend as a group and team, and you will also lay the foundation for your online business as an entrepreneur.

My true gifts are that of being able to connect people who are meant to know one another and work together, and to enhance this experience by providing the techniques and methods that will take you from where you are right now to closer to where you would like to be in terms of successful and lucrative entrepreneurship.


22-25 Mars 2018

Brendon Burchard's High Performance Academy

LIVE in Phoenix, Arizona

Brendon Burchard HPA LIVE 2018 PHOENIX AZ Joignez-vous à moi pour cet événement unique en son genre avec Brendon Burchard!

High Performance Academy est un séminaire intensif de développement personnel et professionnel d’une durée de 4 jours et s’adresse à ceux qui veulent vivre une vie extraordinaire. C'est le seul séminaire que je connaisse qui, empiriquement, vous aidera à développer ces habitudes menant à de hautes performances dans votre carrière, votre santé et votre bonheur!

Prochain Événement -> Septembre 20-23, 2018 !